In the heart of New Orleans, nestled within the vibrant arts scene, the Angela King Gallery recently played host to an exhibition by Mackenzie Thorpe, ‘Bringing Love To The Bayou’.
This showcase was both a celebration of the Bayou region and of love. The artist from Middlesbrough wishes to spread his message of love which underpins all of his work, and spread it across New Orleans and beyond.
Through this exhibition, he encouraged viewers to appreciate the beauty of the natural world which ultimately connects us all.
One of the many highlights for Mackenzie was seeing one of his bronze Sculpture’s ‘My Sunshine’ placed within the garden district of New Orleans.
As ever, Mackenzie’s visit was a great success with gorgeous weather, fantastic food and people. Mackenzie has exhibited at the Angela King Gallery for over 20 years but continues to be inspired by the life and landscapes of the region so watch the space for newly inspired pieces!